Planning is always on my mind
This year, more than any year in the past, I'm focused on my planning. I want my courses to flow from one topic to the next. I want things to connect with other things. I want it all to make sense to me and my students. Prior to this year that wasn't always my focus. I have had years where I would literally stop teaching something and just jump to another topic. For no real reason, other than I was bored or couldn't figure out where to go with the topic at hand. So I would just stop and move on. Chemistry is weird in that there is no list of things that you have to cover or know. Yes, there are standards, but those are really broad and can cover a multitude of sins. So this year I'm really focused on lesson planning. I am also focusing on setting things up so I don't have to do this every single year. 10 years in, I really should have this down to a science (ha!! pun intended) but I don't. Every single year I have to recreate the wheel because I don't r...