Graduation season is here
We have 5 weeks of school left and I know from previous experience that those 5 weeks will fly by. I have already reached the point where I'm trying to figure what I can squeeze in during the remaining time and the answer is not much. But more important is that it is graduation season. I am in charge of putting the program together and another teacher and I are in charge of the whole ceremony. I don't mind doing it, I actually kind of like doing it, but there can be stressful moments. Like getting the program together. There is information I need to gather from other people and I literally didn't get that information until yesterday. The program was due on the 11th. UGH!!!! But that's okay, it all worked out. Just now, during my meditation, all I could think about was how the graduates will move. How they will enter the stage, how they will get to their seats, how they will get their diplomas, etc. I'm trying to meditate and that stuff is all running through my h...