
Showing posts from May, 2024

Another year down

 This past year was a hot mess from the word go. I started off with a curriculum that I ended up not liking and so I switched horses mid-stream. That was a pain in the butt but it actually worked out okay. For the first time ever I got through to stoichiometry in chemistry. And not just to it, but we actually worked it for a bit. So that was good. I also used BCA (before, change, after) tables in teaching stoichiometry and that was amazing. Most students caught on immediately and could see what was happening. It was awesome. So BCA tables are here to stay.  Otherwise, seriously, this year was a hot mess. I felt like I was playing catch-up all year. It did not feel like a full school year. I kept feeling like we had just started. Then, before I knew it, the end was here. So thank god that is over.  Next year I get to start a new class, marine science. I'm excited about that. It will be something new and different and hopefully it will get me fired up about teaching again.  I've