Professional Journaling
Read an article last night about professional journaling for teachers. They highly recommend it. Seems I'm always a little bit ahead of the curve. Hmmm... Since my last post I have not really had a chance to work on my planning. I did start a Google Doc as planned and I got a day or so in there, but that's about it. I got sidetracked making a slide deck for the first day or two and so not a lot of planning got done. What I realized after is that I need to get the planning part done and then fill it in with the things I need, such as a slide deck. I like the idea of making slide decks because I'm going to record my lessons for those that are absent or just if anyone needs it to review. I'm working on flipping my classroom but that will take time. So today it is back to it. Hubby is heading back to work and I will have a free morning to work. Yay!!!! So I'm going to work on my chemistry and getting it all laid out. Once that is laid out I'm going to work on biol...