Struggling with the set-up

 I've begun working on my year plan for my classes and I'm struggling with the best way to set this up. Literally as I was typing this I had an idea on how to do it. One of the AP teachers that I borrowed heavily from last year, has a great set up. She lays out the whole year in a Google Doc and then fills in the details on what is to be done. I've been trying to do this same thing on Chalk and maybe I just need to use a Google doc. Maybe I've been overthinking it and making it more complicated than it needs to be. This other teacher makes a huge document with the year outlined on the first few pages and then links to the individual units and lessons. It ends up being a very large document but all the information is there in one place. I'm trying to put it in Chalk and it's one day at a time and so I'm flipping back and forth between days to see what I did when. I think I may have just solved my own problem. A Google Doc for planning. I'm off. 


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