It's been one week.....

and things did not go quite as well as I thought they would.  But I did learn some things that should help next week and in future weeks.

First, having everything copied is awesome. Saves me a whole lot of time. Also, having somewhere to put the extra copies is amazing. No more hunting for the extras, I just put them in their pockets. But, and it's a big but, having all the assignments in hanging folders does not work. I still spend time figuring out which assignment I'm looking for. Now granted, I don't spend a lot of time, but it is still annoying. And yesterday I passed out the wrong assignment because I was trying to rush. So, to make it easier, I'm going to put the worksheets for the day (actually 2 days since I have the room) in my sorter on the demo table. So on Mondays, I will put in the worksheets that I need for Monday and Tuesday. Then on Tuesday afternoon, I will restock the sorter with the worksheets I will need for Wednesday and Thursday. This way I will have them right at hand and not have to hunt for them. This should definitely help that situation.

Second, I need to use the planner more. I had not written down what I planned to do for each day because I wasn't sure how much I would get through. Instead, I was writing down what I did after the fact. I don't like that. That makes me stop in the middle of class and make decisions about what to do next. I don't want to do that. I want things to just flow. So I'm going to write in my planner what I hope to get through that day and put some time limits on each activity. This will help structure the day better. If we don't get through everything, I will just push the activities back to the next class. But I think this will be far more beneficial than writing things in after the fact.

Third, I have got to become more disciplined about doing things after school. By the time I get to the end of the day, I'm exhausted. I need to do things regardless. I need to structure my tasks so that most get done on Mondays and Wednesdays since I have 4th period free. This requires a little planning ahead which should be easy because I've got everything ready to go.  This is something I just need to do, a habit to develop.

Fourth, I have got to look ahead. I was supposed to give a quiz this week, but since I didn't look ahead I didn't write one. So I have to look ahead. I will probably need to do this on Friday's when I go in and catch up. That's fine, I can do it then, but it is another habit I need to cultivate.

Finally, I have to realize that I will get nothing done at home at night. I have all kinds of crap going on in my life; working out, dog agility, etc. And I need to make sleep a priority. So I just don't have time at night at home to get anything done. I just need to accept that and plan for it. It's not a huge problem or anything, I just keep fooling myself into thinking I will do something and I don't. So no more planning work at home anymore, unless it's on the weekends when I know I will have time.

So it was a good week back. I am bound and determined to get these things under control and to develop a routine that makes my life easier. I think because I went so long flying by the seat of my pants, changing things up is difficult. But I'm doing it and I'm going to do it and I'm going to master it.

Now it's Friday so I get a chance to put all these things into place for next week. Yay!!!!


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