Thinking with my fingers...

I do some of my best thinking while writing and since I feel I'm on the edge of a breakthrough, I've decided to 'talk' it out here. So here goes.....

I have a Happy Planner and a teacher binder 
This is my Happy Planner which I really do love, but I need to fix it so it works for me....

I also have this binder that has a divider with pockets for every class: 

I've had this binder for years and really do like it, but it isn't exactly what I want either.  I'm hoping to come up with a system between these 2 things that will be perfect for me. 

I've put all my lesson plans on a powerpoint template and I have linked worksheets and videos to that template. I like that and can access it from anywhere since it's in my Dropbox. I like that a lot. But I also need a printed copy that I can look at during class. I like to have a planner type thing to make notes during and after class. But I also like the binder to keep each class separate and have stuff for each class. I don't want my lesson plans broken up by class because I like to see what is happening the whole day. So I'm thinking that I keep the planner and put in my lesson plans and calendars and such. But I also keep the binder for originals and things I don't want to have access to every single day. Hmmm.... I think I have an idea on what I want.  Going to try it now. 


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