Avoidance at its best.....

that's what is happening right now. I should be grading AP Bio tests, instead, I'm blogging.  Not a productive use of time.

Following yesterday's post, I sat down and set up my bullet journal for the remaining 2 weeks of school. Here is what I came up with:

This is my teacher dashboard. I will use this to keep track of things I need to do for each class. I also have a post-it for grading that needs to be done (something I need to keep on top of) and a couple of post-its for other things that may come up. I like this because I can see all the classes at once. Since I have more than 1 class a day, this can be important.

Then I have a weekly spread. I have a place for notes for each day (notice the dog training and dentist appointment) as well as a to-do list and a place to make notes. On this spread, I put a habit tracker but I'm still on the fence about that. We'll see how it goes.

Then I have my daily spreads. This is Monday and Tuesday. I like the room I have for each class. I can easily make notes on what will happen and then I have room on the side for any additional notes I need to make. One of my biggest problems with every other planner is that there is not enough room for each class. Some classes I don't need much room, but others I need lots. I'm hoping that this will solve all of those problems. I did the first one this way and I also tried this way:

I put blocks for the notes for each class. Not sure I want to do that, but I thought I would try it out since these 2 weeks will be a test run.

I also played around with the weekly spread a little bit:

I'm not super artistic, but I do like to be a little creative when I can. In the new book, I will also be using washi tape as dividers and highlighters. I have high hopes for this. I'm going to put all my other planners away for the next 2 weeks and just use this to see if it works. If it does, over the break I will set up a new one with all the bells and whistles. If not, I'll see what else I can come up with, but I think this will work for me.

Okay, off to grade the AP Bio test.


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