Time for some goals

I'm starting with a clean slate in January. I'm going to change some things over the break and I'm starting fresh. One of the things that I really want are some goals for the spring semester. I had some goals for this semester, to get organized, and that helped me a lot. It kept me focused and working toward organization all semester - and it was a struggle at times. So I would like to have some concrete goals that are SMART for the spring semester. I have a place to write them where I will see them all the time so they stay in focus. I want to continue my pursuit of organization, I'm doing really well with that and I'm really close to a system that works for me. I want to keep that going, but I want to add something else. Even though I never articulated my organization goals, it definitely qualified as a SMART goal.
Specific - I wanted to be able to find things when I need them and to have them available for next year.
Measurable - Finding things when I need them and not constantly losing things.
Attainable - completely, I just needed to find a system that worked for me and I think I have
Relevant - oh yes!!! I struggle with finding things every year so this is very, very relevant.
Time-bound - well, I had given myself this year, but I think I figured it out in a semester once I put my mind to it.

Now I'm not done with my organization goal. I still have a ways to go with that, but I will keep working on it. I will have it as one of my goals. But what should the other one be?  I only want 2, 3 at the most because I don't want to overwhelm myself.

I want to include something like rigor. I want to have assignments that require a lot from my students without overwhelming them. I know I tend to make things easy. On them and on me, because I get tired or lazy or whatever. So rigor would be a matter of holding myself to a higher standard first. Once I mastered that I could then pass it on to my students. Hmmmm...that is an interesting thought. But I'm leaning towards timeliness. I have a habit of putting off grading and feedback until it is too late and basically useless. That's it, timeliness!!
Specific - get assignments graded and returned to the students in 48 hours (so basically by the next class).
Measurable - easy, if I get the work back and don't have stacks to grade on Friday it will be a success
Attainable - definitely, it will just take perseverance and planning. I need to not spend my preps either playing games or planning for the next class. I will need to make sure I do planning on the weekends and if I'm up on my grading that should not be a problem.
Relevant - oh yes!! extremely relevant. I will be able to serve my students much better if I give them their work back in a timely manner.
Time-bound - I will give myself this semester to get this under control.

Okay, I'm happy with these goals to start the new year;  organization and timeliness.  I love it.


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