Summer is drawing to a close.......

and it was a wild summer. Usually, I end up bored to tears by the beginning of July. This year, not so much. Last time I posted, 15 days ago, I had completed the first modeling class and was on a break between classes. Well, I have now finished the second modeling class. We have sold the house and we have an offer in on a new one. I have one week off before I have to return to work, but I have lots to do in that week. I plan on working my butt off for a few days and then doing nothing for a few days. I need time to chill and relax and regroup before starting up again. Okay, moving on.....

The modeling classes were amazing. Not only did I learn a fabulous way to teach chemistry, but I also learned a lot. I am hoping to take the next level of class next year to keep improving my chemistry skills. I need to spend some time planning my lessons. I have 90-minute classes and need to keep things moving with this. I also need to plan out my first couple of days to promote the idea of observing, thinking, analyzing, and discussing. I have some ideas in mind so I just need to flesh them out.

I also need to go through the new CED from the college board. I got the binders last weekend and just have not had time to go through them yet. That is on the agenda for tomorrowish. Monday I have to go in and sign my new 'contract' for the year. I also plan on getting my room set up. I moved all my stuff into my storage closet so that they could strip and wax my floor. Now I have to bring everything out and put it back in place. I also want to rearrange my room. I get bored :)

So there it is, all caught up on my summer. I'm going to work on keeping this more up to date because it really helps me think things through. Today I want to come up with a word or two for the year. Something to keep me focused and moving in the direction I want to go.


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