Quick Thursday Brain Dump

Yesterday I lost it on a class. Completely. Totally. Lost it. I had to make a new seating chart for this class because 2 groups didn't finish their labs on Monday - only class where that happened. Then I went to do a notebook check and a bunch of students didn't have theirs done. One student said he was absent so he didn't have it - even though I post it on Google Classroom at the end of every day. Another took up 5 pages for his lab and did not follow my template at all. I just completely lost it on them. I take time out of my life to make sure all this stuff is updated so they can access it from home and then they do this nonsense. Boom - I blew!!! I  feel bad about it for a couple of reasons:   
a. I let it get to me
b. I took it so personally

I know they did not do that specifically because of me, but that is not how I reacted. So things are changing a little. 

First, if they are absent I will email them and remind them to check on the Google Classroom. 
Second, I'm going to start up with the weekly emails on Thursday so parents are aware and in every email I'm going to remind them of the Google Classroom. 
Third, if they are not keeping the notebook the way I say to they don't get the points. Plain and simple. 
Fourth, not completing the lab is a failure for that lab. 

Which leads me to another point, I need to figure out a way to assess the labs. That is where the skill is developed that help them to master the standards, but not doing the labs needs to carry some consequences. The notebook will not be enough. Maybe I need to have them answer some questions each time. Yes!! I will put some questions on Google Classroom that they will need to answer after every lab. If they aren't there to do the actual lab, they will be exempt from the questions so they can regroup and get the data the next class. 

Okay, everything is a learning experience. I discovered today what I don't want so I just need to figure out ways to make sure that doesn't happen. 

Okay, time's up. I need to get ready for school. 


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