A catch up post, Week 10, Fall Break, Week 11

 Since I haven't posted in a couple of weeks, time for a catch up. 

Week 10: 

This was the week before break and we were all done. Completely. Totally. Done. 


Week 10: 

Started dimensional analysis (maybe that is why I was so done - teaching this is far harder than it should be). Did a little work on dimensional analysis. Then, on Wednesday/Thursday, I gave them a catch up day. They could work on their summative task, retake any thing they did poorly on, whatever. I did not feel like jumping into something on the day before break. I honestly didn't feel like working on the day before break. 

Over the fall break, I watched a webinar about mathematical reasoning. It really struck home because I realized that these kids had no concept of numbers or what they mean exactly or even really how to use them well. They know the algorithms but they don't really understand what they are doing. So over the break I created a lecture and some notes for them on this topic. I then laid out how they were to do things from now on and then made a worksheet for them to do to practice. 

Week 11: 

Monday/Tuesday: We went over the mathematical reasoning lecture and they worked on the worksheet. It was due the next class for a grade. 

Wednesday/Thursday: We began unit 2. I did the perfume demo and the food dye in hot and cold water demo. It was kind of a draggy, low energy day, that required a lot of thinking and processing from them. Some of the classes got it and some not so much. 

On Wednesday I blew at my 4A class. They are a very talky class to begin with and Wednesday they were particularly talky. I ended up just blowing. I kind of felt a little bad afterwards, but not really. I'm just kind of tired of the nonsense and the BS that goes on. It is getting to the point in the year where we are just worn down. So Monday, this class gets a new seating chart with all the talky people over on one side of the room and everyone else in front of me where we can learn. 

Okay, next week we start diving into gases and the gas laws. This should be interesting. 


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