Organization 2.0

This is my front counter. This is what my front counter looks like every single day. I straighten it and 1 class later it looks like this. I have a habit of putting papers on it and losing them. When I try to organize I will put papers in books and then forget which books I put what papers in. Then months later I will find the papers in some odd place. I have tried so many things and yet it ends up like this every time. So today I'm going to try something new. When my class leaves I will take some time to straighten it out, again, and have a way to keep it organized. I have an idea, I just hope it works. So I just did it and it seems pretty darn awesome. I have a file tray for each period of the day (not each class) and one on top for misc. stuff. I put these trays on the side table that I have and that leaves my desk nice and clean. I can just throw things in the tray for the period and use it when I need it. If it's for classes the next day or next week, I will put it in the file folders I have. Woo hoo. Here's what it looks like:
I love this. Every afternoon I will empty the misc. tray on top and deal with those papers. Every morning I can put stuff for that day in the period trays and boom, I'm ready to go. I like this a lot and I just have to force myself to do it at first. Once I get the habit it will be all good. One step forward......


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