And we're back

This week we were back from fall break. Fall break was relaxing and I really enjoyed it. This is the first in a long time. I usually spend the first part of break worrying over all the work I want to do and the second part beating myself up for not doing it. This break was different. I did have things I wanted to accomplish but I did not worry about them. I did accomplish a lot and the things I didn't get done, oh well. I did go into school 2 or 3 times, I don't really remember. And I got things done and school started and all was good. One of the things that has made a huge difference is that I am excited about teaching again. When I first started teaching I was super excited about it. I loved getting in front of the kids and having the kids do stuff. I was excited. That excitement was infectious and the kids picked up on it. Well, that excitement is back and I love it. I love being excited about what I'm doing. I love feeling like I'm really truly helping kids and I am. I am literally preparing the future. Some of these students will go on to great things and I will have a small part in that. Also, being excited about school makes life so much nicer. I don't dread getting up and going to work. I don't mind staying a little while and getting things done at the end of the day. And I don't feel absolutely exhausted at the end of the day. I'm tired, but it's a good tired. A tired because I did something important that day. I love it. So things are going well. I can't help but wonder if I feel so happy and good about my job because I put my Ph.D. on hold. Not having that burden has definitely made life simpler. But a part of me really, really wants to finish it. I don't know the answer yet, that is something I will have to seriously consider as the semester progresses. But for now, things are good and I'm happy and I love teaching again.


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