Organization Part III

I am determined to master this organization thing if it kills me. The system I set up was not working as I had hoped. I was having issues with the file trays on the small table next to my front counter.
I wasn't using them the way I envisioned. They proved to be more of a pain than a help. I would forget to put things in the right trays and they would still end up all over my desk. Plus, I had the handouts there and my originals somewhere else along with my answer key and I still couldn't keep track of everything. Also, I found me just throwing things in the top tray that I didn't want to deal with. Not cool. Then over the weekend, I was at Treasures for Teachers and found this beauty:
This is awesome. I have 12 slots. 8 for my periods on both days and 4 for the classes where I keep my copies. Oh, I'm in heaven. I can throw things in there for the day and clear it out at the end of the day. It is amazing. My stuff, originals/keys etc. is kept right next to them so I don't misplace or lose them. Can you hear the angels singing?  I am in love with this and am hoping that it is the missing piece that I was searching for. We shall see.


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