Enjoying fall break

 A road trip up north to the town of Sedona. The town itself was not that great, way too touristy, but the scenery is amazing.
 More of the scenery around Sedona.
The desert sunset on our way home. It was a long day with a whole lot of driving, but it was fun.

As nice as it is to get away, it is always good to come home. In my case, it was home to planning. I've got AP Biology and AP Chemistry sketched out until Christmas. Not bad. I am trying something new. Instead of making elaboate plans with all kinds of details, I'm just doing a bare bones plan. The way I work is very spontaneous anyway. I walk into my class and go, okay, what am I teaching today, then run with the topic. So I'm fleshing out the weeks one at a time instead of planning so far ahead I forget what I'm doing. It sounds like it will work well with the way I work, so I'm willing to give it a go.
I have to go in today to do some grading. I have a whole pile of tests from 3 different classes that need to be graded. I also have some other grades to enter and I want to get them done before the weekend. I spent a couple of hours last night tossing and worrying about them. Time to just handle it and get them off my mind. I have a feeling that what I need to do will take more than 1 day and I don't want to either be there for 10 hours or not get it all done. We were supposed to go on a short road trip today, but I decided that I needed to work instead.
I just remembered that I agreed to be in a fashion show next week. It's being put on by the student council for homecoming week. I completely forgot about it. I have to come up with something to wear. Yikes!!!! I had planned on not spending any more money for a while, guess that's out the window. Unless I can come up with something from my wardrobe that would work. I do have a couple of Hawaiian dresses, but I'm not sure they will fit. Hmmmm, may have to check that out.
Well, that's all I have to say. Fall break is halfway over and I need to start switching into work mode again.


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