Sorting it out

Today was interesting. I set out this morning to get my literacy program in place. I wanted to see how many weeks we have and then divide up what I want to do over the weeks. I figured it would be simpler that way. So I was trying to come up with a way to lay it out so that I could see it easily. Then I came across this:

This allows me to lay out each quarter by week. Pure genius. So changed the headings to match my classes: AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Chemistry, Keyboarding, and Literacy. I then sketched out what I want to do each week with literacy. That actually turned out to be pretty easy. Since I'm going to use the resources from each class, all I needed to do was put down what skills I wanted them to learn that week. Worked out perfect, but I was done quick - much quicker than I thought it would be. So then I thought to tackle AP Chem. I wasn't sure where I was going to go with that. But I ended up getting a pretty good idea of how I want the semester to go. So then I did the same thing with AP Biology. I had initially thought I'd be using one set of resources for AP Bio, but since those resources were created before the test update, they kind of didn't fit too well. Of course, I'm not completely over using them, I just may have to do more work to make them ready. I then did a very basic layout for chemistry. So I started out with one goal in mind and ended up getting 4 done. Nice.

I also made a decision. I'm going to create a binder with my notes for each week. In there I will put the information I will need for that week in each class. I will upload everything to and then every Friday I will print and copy everything for the next week. I will not:

  • Second guess myself
  • Go looking for new resources
  • Change things at the last minute
I will: 
  • use the resources I've collected over the years
  • stick to the plan I have in place
  • check every single day
  • write my plan outline in my planner
I do this all the time. Spend breaks doing some great planning, then never look at it again and spend time running around with my head cut off getting things ready. If I use what I have planned, that frees me up to do grading and other things during my prep. I will still use Fridays to finish grading and prep for the coming week, but I do not want to spend hours on Friday grading. Also, I have 2 TAs. I need to utilize them for grading, organizing, and copying. If I do things right, I can have them make the copies so I don't have to do them on Fridays. Sweet. I also need to use them to help set up labs. That is a huge time suck. If they can help set up and clean up, that would be awesome. 

So, today has been super productive and I'm liking the way things are going. Tomorrow I'm taking off from school work because we are having a little get together here for New Year's and I have to clean house. But Monday I will pick up where I left off and go full steam ahead. 


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