Just some ramblings

So I've created a situation where I'm feeling overwhelmed with all I need to do this summer. When I feel really overwhelmed I shut down. And then nothing gets done. Also, summer makes me lazy. I will put things off and put things off and put things off until it is literally days before school starts and I have to work 24/7 to get anything done. So I need a plan. A solid plan that will work and that I can stick to and that will allow me to get things done in a reasonable amount of time. So I think what I'm going to do is determine exactly what I want to do and then tackle one course at a time. Also, I'm going to set up a work schedule so that I do a little each day and get things done.

Here's what I'm thinking:

Get up in the morning, walk the dogs, get breakfast, hit the pool for a swim, hang out, etc.

Then work on school work from say 10-2 ish. After that, I'm free to do whatever. I would like to do some crafts. Also, read and just relax. That should work fairly well. I just need to be sure to devote a few hours each day to school work. I also want to hit the gym a couple of times a week and Mavy will have training a couple of nights a week. So it should be a busy summer.

I plan on starting with AP Biology because I don't know what the f*ck I'm doing with that. I need to understand what I'm supposed to be teaching and plan out how I want to do that.

Next up will be AP Chemistry. I've done that for 4 years now but I need to get a handle on it for myself.

Then will be Chemistry because this year this class was a hot mess.

I also want to plan it out to the point of exactly what I'm doing. So in Unit X, we are doing Lab Y, Activity W, and worksheets A-D. Will there be notes? Will there be videos to watch? Will there be sketch notes? Etc. Also, it needs to be mine. I have been using other people's curriculum and resources and I just feel like I'm phoning it in that way.  I want it all laid out. I'm not sure that I can do this all in one summer, but I think if I focus for a couple of weeks I can pull it off. I have 10 weeks, I just need discipline.

So yeah, that is kind of on my mind. Also, I don't know what I want to do about my journal. I bought a Leuchtrum1917 journal because I think I want to go back to bullet journaling especially for school, but I'm not sure. I have used premade planners for years and they all fall short. And I loved the bullet journal when I used it for the move. So I thought that might work. Also, I can keep a sort of running curriculum in it so that I know where I am and what I'm doing without having to carry my binder back and forth to school.

Which leads me to another topic, my binder. I've used a binder for my classes pretty successfully the last couple of years but I think it's time to expand my usage. I want to have a binder that has everything I need for the day in it. My attendance, my grades, my lesson plans, things I need to copy, etc. That way I don't have to look all over for things I know that I need. It will all be centralized in one location. I think between my binder, which will stay at school, and my bullet journal, which will go back and forth with me, I should be good. Is that too much though? Am I duplicating work for myself? I don't think so unless I do want to carry my binder back and forth each day - which I don't.

So as you can see, there is a lot of stuff bouncing around inside my head. I have a lot I want to accomplish over the summer and I need to get it done for my sanity. The work I do now will pay off hugely in years to come. Once I have everything in place, I can just tweak it as I go.

Okay, there  is lots to do but I think I have a handle on it. I know that I'm ready to get started. Maybe I will start this week. I've got nothing else going on.


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