Digital Noise

This is what my brain feels like when I start to go through my electronic resources. I have collected so many over the years that sorting them out becomes a wash of noise that I can't separate things from.

So what to do about this? I'm not sure exactly. Some of the resources are really, really good but with so many, I forget what I have or where they are located. Which makes having them somewhat pointless. I can't use them if I can't find them. So I'm thinking of dumping everything. Well, not actually. I will probably put them in a file somewhere labeled "OLD STUFF" and then start all over. I have an entire curriculum that I really want to use, but I keep getting side-tracked from it because I can't figure out where it is or what I'm to be using. So I'm thinking of setting up a Google classroom for next year with the units all set up and the resources I want to use all laid out and all I have to do is publish them.

The other wrench that will be thrown into this situation is the College Board is releasing their own curriculum for APs at the beginning of August.  So do I wait for that? Do I set things up now and if the CB resources are better use those?  What do I do? School starts on August 7th, that will give me 7 days to lay out the course if I use the CB curriculum. I don't know what to do at this point. I think I may just leave that for now and work on chemistry. That I can do.


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