Today we talk about school

 In the middle of our second week back from fall break and things are going well. One thing that I find is working for me is focusing solely on one task at a time. Sounds simple, but for so long multitasking has been the big buzz word. And honestly I think multitasking was something people came up with because they couldn't control their brains and focus on one thing. Anyway, my meditation practice has helped me to learn to focus and that has helped me immensely in so many ways. But I digress. I've taken to keeping a bullet journal for school. I kept trying to keep a planner with some structure, but nothing every really fit what I needed it to do. So I keep a bullet journal for my personal stuff. That has a little structure to it though, one page per day. And if I don't fill the page with things from the day, I post pictures which I just love. So I decided to keep a true bullet journal for school and I think I like it. At the beginning of the day I write the date at the top. Then I list any to-dos. When my first class starts I write the class name and then I take any notes for that class. What was done. Absences. Any behavior issues. Etc. It's working great so far, but it's only been 2 days. It also serves as a forced reflection on what happened in class. So I think I'm liking it so far. We'll see how it goes. I'm using a small book for it, so one day takes up at least 2 or 3 pages. Maybe I'll use my bigger journal that I ordered for it. We'll see. 

In other news, the storylines seem to be going okay. Not great as I'm still learning my way through them also, but definitely okay. 

Emily stopped by my room yesterday as the kids were researching something. I had complained that no one ever stops by my room (we had all the principals there on Thursday and no one came by to see me). She did share that she was not concerned with me and my teaching abilities. There were other teachers that were of far greater concern to them and they needed to focus on those teachers. That is a high compliment, it really is and I am grateful that they think so highly of me. There are many times when I feel like I'm not doing a very good job, but I guess that just my self-doubt, self-depreciation, perfectionism, whatever speaking. Apparently I do good work and I need to learn that. 

That's about it as far as school is concerned. I'm working on building a journaling habit and I think I will alternate between blogs unless I have something specific to write about. I love journaling and my alarm just went off so it's time to begin my day. I'm off. 


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