My Mount Everest
1. Why did I get into this job?
Because I love teaching and I love helping people learn new things.
2. What is it that I hope my work with students accomplishes this school year?
I hope that I can help them become better thinkers in this crazy more and more nonsensical world we live in.
That was something that I needed to develop for school. We doing a book study on Dave Stuart and we needed to develop our Everest statement. I think I had a much clearer idea of what this was at the beginning of my teaching career. Now it tends to get a little fuzzy as it's tied in with what I have accomplished in the past. So it's a little iffy, but I will work on it some.
I want my students to be able to analyze things and figure out what is right and what is wrong.
I want them to not get taken by nonsense, like so many adults I know have been.
I want them to be able to think critically and not get taken in by nonsense.
I want my students to have a basic understanding of science so they can understand the world around them.
I want my students to have a respect and wonder for the amazing world we live in.
I want my students to be able to listen to others and have civil discourse about a topic.
I want my students to be able to voice their opinion and support it with facts.
I want my students to be able to stand up to nonsense.
That's a lot of things that I want and none of them are directly related to chemistry. Interesting. So to boil this down into one sentence:
I want my students to have a wonder for the amazing world we live in and to learn to think critically about what they see, hear, and experience.
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