Need to do a little processing

 First off, I will be teaching 3 preps this year; Chemistry, AP Biology, and Biology. The problem with this arises in a couple of areas. 

1. Which curriculum do I use for chemistry and biology? I kind of want to use the same curriculum; iHub for both or Patterns for both; only because they will follow a similar pattern and I won't have to work to know what's going on. So that is something I need to nail down soon. 

2. How far to I want to go with BTC? Everything I'm reading is so great, but I don't want to overwhelm myself with a new curriculum and a completely new way of doing things. Many of the things I'm reading say to start with the first 3 chapters. Get those routines and practices down and then start adding the other practices. I like that and that is probably how I will start the year. 

2a. Do I do BTC for both chemistry and biology? I some ways it will be easier to do it in both classes, but it other ways it won't. So, which do I do it in? 

These are a few of the things I am really, really struggling with. I also need to go through the AP Classroom and set up some assignments for them. Also, I purchased FlinnPavo for AP Biology, so I need to go through that and figure out what I want to do with it. So many, many things and really only 3 more weeks to figure it all out. 

But, tonight I am tired. We got back from vacation last night and today was crazy with cleaning the pool - long story. But now I am very, very tired. I think I will be in bed early tonight. 


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