Forensic Science

As the end of the year approaches (all too rapidly), I find myself not having enough time to cover another topic in chemistry. Searching around for something to do, I remembered back when I first started teaching.....

Back then, I was eager to teach and eager to have students understand how great chemistry really is. So I would take the opportunity to use chemistry in the real world as often as possible. Also, I don't like how science is taught, so compartmentalized. Science just doesn't exist that way, it works with all other sciences. So I would teach a unit on science in  the real world. I did forensics, marine science, cooking, etc. I would end the year with this unit and it would hold the kids attention through those last, difficult days of school. So when faced with 4 weeks and nothing to do, I decided to resurrect forensic science. Actually, I stumbled across a Facebook group and went, "wait, I used to do that!!!"

Having only 4 weeks, with the last week given over to finals, I didn't have much time. I did a really short unit, just hitting the highlights, and now they are all working on their Crime-Scene in a box. They have to create a crime scene in a shoe box and then other groups will have to solve it. This project serves a number of purposes. It is something they are highly engaged in. You would not believe the work being done in this room right now. They are coming up with some great ideas. They are using things they've learned, not necessarily in this class, but in others. They are using their creativity and that is always awesome. Finally, I don't have to do anything. They are working on their 'crime scenes' and then will work on solving each others. That will take us right up to final review and then the finals. Am I a horrible teacher???


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