Thinking Ahead

This time of year my thoughts always start to drift towards next year. I think about things that didn't work; things I want to try; improvements; and changes. It's a bad habit I have of thinking ahead before this year is over. I still have things to do this year even if there is only 4 weeks left of school. 4 weeks. OMG!!!!

 Okay, now that is out of the way. I have the rest of year basically set. In chemistry I will be doing some other branch of chemistry, probably forensic science, just to give them some exposure to how chemistry can be used. Also, it's fun. AP Biology we have 4 topics to cover in 4 weeks, so we will be flying on that. Lectures on Monday, quizzes on Wednesday, for the rest of the year. AP Chemistry, we will just keep on plugging along like we have been. In AP biology I have to give my final the week before the finals because the AP test is Monday the week of finals and then we don't have the seniors on Wednesday. This weekend I want to get all my finals set up and chemistry outlined. If I have all that done, I will have cruise on into the rest of the year. Nice.

I have a rather lengthy to do list for summer. After 9 years of teaching, I am going to completely organize my classes. I want to set everything up on my website and get all my lesson plans laid out for the whole year. I want to develop a curriculum map that is complete and comprehensive. I want it to have links to all the units and the necessary documents. I want it to be one place where everything is kept. I saw one done this way and I was literally blown away. Unfortunately, I can't find it again -- UGH!!!!  But I know what I want. I did just find a couple of templates that I think may be adaptable to what I want. So that will be a huge project. I do have a basic outline for each subject, so it is just a matter of updating and detailing it. Then every year I can just update things and I will have an ongoing map for my classes.

Guess that's about it for now. I'm in keyboarding class and they are all working on their computers. Next is my class from hell and I can't wait to be done with them. Okay, enough. Time to get some work done.


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