Classroom and life goals

 I have a goal to have the first unit for each class complete and ready to go before this break is over. I'd really like to start on the next unit also, but once I get the first unit down, I think that the others will come quicker, once I know what I'm doing. I'm excited to have everything planned out so I know exactly what I'm doing each day. One thing that I really need to do is focus on putting things in the Google Classroom. Yesterday I started new Google Classrooms for all my classes and I organized the topics by weeks. That way if a scholar is absent, they just have to look for the  day they are absent and find what's in there. Plus, I really only have to post 2 times a week. My classes overlap A days and B days, and I try to keep things the same for both days so they don't get out of whack. So maybe on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, I take 10 minutes, make a short video on what we did in class and post it. That should work as long as I am consistent. I can even post if we just did something small like worked on a worksheet and whiteboarded it. I also think I'm going to post the answers to worksheets after the fact, but I don't really want to use worksheets, I want to get away from them. Still some details to be worked out, but I have some time. I need to sit down alone and really think these things through. And then write them down so I don't forget them. 

Alright, today I'm not working on school. I need to clean some house and friends are coming over to watch football, so I'm out. 


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