My last day

 of this semester. Tomorrow and Thursday I'm taking off as my dog is having surgery. Major surgery and I want to be around for it, just in case. 

Yesterday and today I'm giving part 1 of my finals - the written part - and then tomorrow and Thursday the sub will just give the multiple choice part. That way I'll be home grading the written part and the multiple choice part will be super easy to grade. Grades are due by Friday. 

I've started working on my plans for next semester, what else is there to do while they are testing?  And I'm really like how it is turning out. I'm diving in, all in, with the Weibert notebooks, and so I'm working on my unit plans to make those work. The unit plans require some time to make sure you have it all in place before starting the units. Also, the modeling curriculum relies sort of heavily on worksheets and I'm going to be adjusting them to work in the notebooks. I'm excited about this. I am also reading that book I posted earlier and I have another similar one I want to read. I also am going to order this book, 

Which comes highly recommended. I will read that over the break too. I know that I've set myself up to do a lot over break. But honestly this semester was so hard and such a train wreck in so many ways, I really want to turn it around next semester. One sure fire way I've found to do that is to prep. Be prepared. Completely and totally prepared. That way I can enjoy the lesson and the kids and not worry about what I'm doing. So I think it will be worth it. Plus, with the little bit of success I've had with the notebooks, I'm excited to take it further. 

I do have a plan for my break. I plan to work in the mornings. I get up much earlier than Hubby and I'm usually at my sharpest in the mornings. So I plan to work in the mornings for a few hours every day. The afternoons will be devoted to relaxing or fun stuff. I'm definitely going to get some rest this break. But too much rest and I become useless. So I need to find the balance between work and rest for the next 2 1/2 weeks. 

And on that note, I'm off to get ready for school. Yay, last day!!!!!


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