The end really is in sight

 Yesterday was the dreaded 4A class. I didn't have a lot for them since it was review day. I thought we could review and then watch a video. Well believe it or not they wanted to play Blooket - a review game. And they wanted to play it twice. Unreal. Also, it was the most fun class I've had with them all year. There were a number of people absent and that helped. But some students that I didn't expect actually did their work and were able to participate it class. It was amazing. So I like to say I bring my own weather, well in this case it's really true. 

So today is Thursday. One more day of review and then it's all finals. I'm only in Monday and Tuesday. Bella is having surgery on Wednesday so I'm taking Wednesday and Thursday off to be home with her. Plus, Monday and Tuesday are the essay parts of the final, so that will give me two days to get them graded and ready to  enter. Wednesday and Thursday they will have a sub and take the multiple choice part of the test. So that will be super easy to grade on Friday and get my grades all entered before 5pm on Friday. Yay!!!!

It feels good to be at the end of the semester and a break to look forward to. It's nice to have fall break and spring break, but those happen in the middle of the semester and I really don't get a break because there are things that need to be graded and entered and blah, blah, blah. At Christmas break, everything has to be done by Friday so there is no grading or anything hanging over our head. I love it. Of course, I have work for myself. I'm going to get the notebooks all ready for next semester. I would like to have them laid out for a large part of the semester. I also want to have it decided what will go in the notebook and how. I know that's a big order, but I'm hoping that if I devote a couple of hours to it every day I can accomplish it. I'm going to lay out my notebook in pencil until I'm positive that is what is happening, then before class I'll put it in pen. I can do it. I just need to devote the time and buckle down and do it. I'm thinking of doing it in the morning when I get up. That seems to be when I'm most productive and also Hubby won't be up and I can work undisturbed. I also want to ready this book: 

I've had it for years and I'm not sure where I got it. I'm pretty sure I got it for my teacher program 13 years ago, there were some ancient notes in it. But I have not looked at it in years. Years!!!! So it came up in a teacher group I'm in and I said, wait - I have that. So I dug it out and am going to read it over the break and institute some of the ideas. I'm kind of excited to reinvigorate my teaching. I think I had fallen into a real slump and 2020 is forcing me out of it. Also, having this freshman class is forcing me out of it and making me examine my teaching. 

Okay, time to get ready for my final review day. 


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