Looks like we made it......

Today is the last day before spring break. Yes, yes yes!!!! I cannot wait for this day to be over. One of the best things is that when we return we go back to our old schedule, 7:30 - 3:00. For this entire year we have been running until 3:30 because of the way a law was interpreted by some regulator somewhere. The powers that be have been working to get that wording changed so that it was unambiguous. It finally happened!!! So that is going to be good. It's only half an hour, approximately 10ish minutes per class, but man that makes the day long. It really does. So much can happen between 3-4 that just doesn't get done after 3:30. No one wants to stay at school until 4:30 or 5 getting things done. You can stay until 4 or 4:30, somehow that is much easier. Anyway, when we return we will be back to normal. Yay!!!!!

I've been giving biology a test yesterday and today and chemistry is doing a lab. Things that make my life easier. I do have to grade the tests, but that's okay. I will get that done over break. They also have to turn in an assignment that goes with the test and that is due on Sunday. 

I'm going to sit down and make a plan this morning on what I'm going to do over my break. I have things I want to get done and I've fallen into the trap of putting them off until the last minute. Not this break. I'm going to create a schedule, albeit a flexible one, and follow it so that things get done. Imagine if I have everything all planned out and just have to look at the lesson plan for the remainder of the year? How nice would that be? I also want to get some hikes in, at least hikes that my knee will tolerate, so I want to make time for them. And then the gym. I want to make the gym a regular  place over the break. So today will be about planning the break and also gathering what I need to get work done over the break. It won't be all work over the break. I want to take a day trip somewhere, need to look that up. I want to make some progress on this room - it still drives me crazy. And I need some down time and time for me. But the key is to have a plan and some goals. If left to my own devices I will do nothing for days and then on Sunday try to get it all done. Do not want to do that. 

But for now, I need to get ready for school and get this final day over with. 


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