Sorting it out
Today was interesting. I set out this morning to get my literacy program in place. I wanted to see how many weeks we have and then divide up what I want to do over the weeks. I figured it would be simpler that way. So I was trying to come up with a way to lay it out so that I could see it easily. Then I came across this: This allows me to lay out each quarter by week. Pure genius. So changed the headings to match my classes: AP Chemistry, AP Biology, Chemistry, Keyboarding, and Literacy. I then sketched out what I want to do each week with literacy. That actually turned out to be pretty easy. Since I'm going to use the resources from each class, all I needed to do was put down what skills I wanted them to learn that week. Worked out perfect, but I was done quick - much quicker than I thought it would be. So then I thought to tackle AP Chem. I wasn't sure where I was going to go with that. But I ended up getting a pretty good idea of how I want the semester to go. So the...