Back to it

 We are back to our regularly scheduled blogging. We are also back to school today after a 5 day break for Thanksgiving. I'm going back with a much better attitude than I had the week before and that is good. 

I have set my week up like I explained in the last post and I'm going to try that out and see how it works.. I think it will be good at least for my classes. I can't use it as a regular planner/journal because there are no future dates or way to write reminders. But I think if I use it just for my classes, the plans I have and notes on grading and such, I should be really good. I will use my planner for keeping track of things like appointments, meetings, etc. I think that will work well. 

I also kind of planned out the last few weeks of my classes, there are only 3 weeks left and the last week is finals week so there are really only 2 weeks left. Yay!!! I will have to rewrite the biology final exam, actually I have to rewrite the chemistry too because it's going to be cumulative. But that is okay. If all I have to do is rewrite some exams, I'm all good. 

I will need to spend my break figuring out biology. That class is such a hot mess and I want to move everything into their notebooks. So that will keep me busy over Christmas break. 

Other than that, I really got nothing. I have some copies to make this morning and I have some grading that needs to be done, but otherwise nothing. I just remembered that I was supposed to post something in my Google classroom for some students and I didn't. That is another thing I need to get into the habit of putting in my planner - things to post in Google classroom. I need to get better at that. And honestly it's really just a matter of remembering to do it. I have gotten really bad at it because I haven't been writing it down. So from now on, write it down. I want to make that journal my natural side piece. 

That's all for now, time to get ready for school. 


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