I bring my own weather

 So after my post yesterday, I was determined to have a good day. Determined. In the morning I went around saying, "it's going to be a good day or someone is going to have to explain why." It's a silly thing but these things really work. I had a good attitude all day, in every class, even my challenging class, and it was a good day. Last night as I was reading some Facebook posts, some lady said that she was focusing more on the students who wouldn't do the work and less on the students who would and it was making her miserable. I realized that I was doing the exact same thing. I was letting a few students who would not do what was asked of them dictate the entire class and my attitude. Well, no more. I am usually that teacher who does not want to hear from the same people over and over. I like to hear different voices and different opinions. Well, not anymore. The only people that answer in that class are the same people over and over again. So I let them. I did ask two tables that were very quiet to answer at one point, and I just waited until one of them did. But I did not get upset, I never lost my smile or my happy disposition. I walked around the room almost constantly to keep them on track. I called them out when they were not doing what they were supposed to be doing and I just acted like a teacher. I'm not going to let them upset me or get to me anymore. I was taking what they were doing personally and that is ridiculous. So that's over. If they don't do the work, they fail, end of story. I do need to get better at documenting everything and docking them citizenship points for not doing what they are supposed to be doing. But I can do that. So yesterday was a much better day and I finally remembered that, I bring my own weather. 


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